Email: louis AT loock DOT pro
Positions: I’m a PhD student in cognitive science at the Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück University (GER). I specialize in the philosophy of cognition and its science. As a member of the working group ‘Philosophy of Mind and Cognition’, I teach philosophical and interdisciplinary classes to both bachelor and master students of our cognitive science programs. I also work as a deputy scientific coordinator for the Research Training Group ‘Situated Cognition’, which is a DFG-funded project of Osnabrück University and Ruhr University Bochum. My PhD project is associated with it as well.
Project: In my research, I am critically re-assessing the debate on extended, embedded and bounded cognition within the (western-analytic) situated cognition paradigm. I plan to complete a monograph on the debate development, its current limitations, and on a possible alternative hypothesis. My proposal of extracted cognition shall be more encompassing toward cases of advanced cognitive tools and environmental interactions, especially in light of the beginning sedimentation of AI applications into our (cognitive) lives.
Education: I received a bachelor and master of science in cognitive science from the Institute of Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University. I am now completing their three-stage program with a PhD in cognitive science. My specialization has primarily been philosophy, along with cognitive psychology. Other areas of training include computer science, artificial intelligence, neuroscience and neuroinformatics, computer linguistics and formal logic, and many other areas of cognitive science. I also did a semester abroad during my bachelor studies at the University of Hertfordshire (UK).
Areas of Specialization: Philosophy of mind, cognition, and of cognitive science: Contemporary theories of cognition (Situated cognition: Extended, embedded, and bounded cognition); Classic theories of cognition (Cognitivism, functionalism, computationalism); Metaphysics and epistemology of cognition (Reductionism and emergentism)
Areas of Competence: Analytic philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of emotions, philosophy of experimental psychology (Stimulus-response compatibility tasks)
Louis Loock, M.Sc.
Osnabrück University
Institute of Cognitive Science
AG: Philosophy of Mind and Cognition
Wachsbleiche 27
49090 Osnabrück